Participating Artists: Rebecca Carter, Kelly Goff, Mallie Loring, Suzanne Peck, Erin Perry, Alexandra Pisarro-Grant, Sunita Prasad, Nora Salzman, Steve Silber, Brett Swenson, Bryan Wilson
In the beginning
knowing our world through the unworried skin of our chubby palms
and the moist nodules of our gaping maws.
our eyes take command
we endeavor to define I.
Budding adolescence
bringing elastic, ecstatic pleasures of the flesh
paired with cringing calcification of protective shells.
Defying adult narrowness
artists probe and project, lick and shave, stretch and tear, reveal,
play and hide within
literal, cultural and mythical metaphoric crusts.
Stick your finger in the pie
what are we without our barriers?
erode the ever-present membrane between art and nonart, artist and nonartist
Probe the thin veneer between you and not you